In a touching video posted by his wife, Hilaria Baldwin, on Instagram, the 66-year-old actor can be seen enjoying some playful time with his 20-month-old daughter. Ilaria, dressed in a cute white Minnie Mouse onesie, happily calls out for her “dada” as she takes wobbly steps towards a pair of shoes.
The video shows Alec and Ilaria sitting together on a bed, where Alec entertains his daughter with a video, likely of a dog, prompting adorable giggles from the toddler. “What does a doggie say?” Alec playfully asks Ilaria, who responds with more laughter.
In her caption, Hilaria expresses her joy at Ilaria’s growing vocabulary, mentioning that this is her daughter’s first sentence. She highlights the happiness that such simple moments bring, describing laughter as a soothing remedy for the soul.
This heartwarming post comes amidst Alec’s legal troubles, as a New Mexico judge recently upheld the involuntary manslaughter charge against him related to the tragic incident on the Rust movie set in October 2021. Despite this, Alec’s legal team remains resolute, gearing up for the trial scheduled for July.
Despite the legal complexities, Alec finds solace in family moments, as evidenced by another recent outing with his adult daughter Ireland and his granddaughter Holland at the Museum of Ice Cream in New York City.
Despite the hurdles he faces, Alec Baldwin continues to draw strength and comfort from the love of his family, cherishing every moment spent with his youngest daughter amidst the challenges he’s confronting.”