Rudy Giuliani, once celebrated as “America’s Mayor,” faces mounting legal woes as a judge dismissed his request to skip a contempt hearing citing medical issues linked to 9/11 exposure.
The former New York City mayor is entangled in a $150 million defamation case brought by Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, who are seeking to recover damages through his assets, including a Manhattan penthouse and luxury possessions.
Giuliani’s attorney claimed his breathing problems and knee issues prevented in-person attendance. However, Judge Lewis Liman rejected the argument, noting Giuliani’s recent in-person appearances and travel plans. The judge stated that Giuliani could either testify virtually by withdrawing prior statements or appear in court to defend them under cross-examination.
The contempt hearing is a pivotal moment in a case that has already financially strained Giuliani, who declared bankruptcy after a judgment in favor of Freeman and Moss.
Despite his fall from grace, Giuliani’s legal maneuvers continue to make headlines, underscoring the high-stakes drama surrounding his ties to former President Donald Trump and controversial election fraud claims.