The beloved TV show “American Pickers” is preparing for an exciting return to Michigan, with plans to film episodes in August 2024. The History Channel series, known for its exploration of antique picking, will also be exploring Ohio during this filming adventure.
While specific locations have not been revealed yet, Anthony Rodriguez, a producer with “American Pickers,” mentioned that they are searching for intriguing characters with captivating items.
The show’s stars, including Jersey John, Robby Wolf, Danielle Colby, and creator Mike Wolf, will be visiting Michigan in August, eagerly looking for unique private collections to explore.
If you’re a collector with an interesting collection and want to be featured on the show, you can contact the producers at 646-493-2184 or via email at [email protected].
Make sure to include your full name, city/state, contact information, and a brief description of your collection. It’s important to note that “American Pickers” only considers private collections, so anything open to the public, like stores, malls, flea markets, museums, auctions, or businesses, will not be considered.
The show follows skilled pickers as they travel the country in search of valuable antiques, aiming to breathe new life into historically significant objects.
Along the way, they meet unforgettable characters and hear their stories, all while learning about America’s rich history. With a mission to recycle and preserve forgotten relics, the Pickers are always on the lookout for extraordinary items and fascinating tales.
If you’re excited to follow the adventures of “American Pickers,” you can find more information on the show’s Facebook page on The History Channel. Stay tuned as the Pickers embark on their journey to uncover hidden treasures in Michigan and Ohio.